Write Like a Challenger, Cut Through the Noise, and Take On Category Leaders

(Even If You’ve Been Writing Copy For Years)

A FREE 5-day email course teaching you to write bold, fearless copy that punches above its weight, gets people talking, and impresses the hell out of your clients and creative directors.

31 Pages • 7,720 words • 50+ examples • 5 actionable lessons you can use to start writing like a challenger today

Created by Jake Varrone

  • Associate Creative Director, Copy @ Vivaldi New York.

  • Written for 50+ brands over nine years.

  • Raised brand awareness +30% by vandalizing billboards and making fun of banks.

Ready to Start Writing Like a Challenger?

Here’s a little preview of everything you’ll learn inside this email course:

Day #1. Choose Your Challenger TypeDay #2. Learn Your EnemyDay #3. Pinpoint Your InsightDay #4. Speak to MillionsDay #5. Pack a Punch

Nice—the first lesson of The Challenger Copywriter's Blueprint is headed to your inbox.

In the next minute or two, you will get an email from me.This email will contain a very specific set of instructions to get you Writing Like a Challenger. Follow them very closely. There are lives at stake.If you have any questions, hit reply and let me know.I'd be happy to help.Now go and check your inbox.I'll be there in a bit.

P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot!🤷🏻)